Cisco L-SL-29-SEC-K9= software license/upgrade 1 license(s) Electronic Software Download (ESD)

£1,134.46 £945.38
In stock
Security E-Delivery PAK for Cisco 2901-2951, spare
A Permanent License is a license that never expires. Once a permanent license is installed on a router, it is good for that particular feature set for the life of the router even across IOS versions. For example, once a UC, Security or Data license is installed on a router, the subsequent features for that license will be activated even if the router is upgraded to a new IOS release. A permanent license is the most common license type used when a feature set is purchased for a device.

Works with universalk9 image
Software typeElectronic Software Download (ESD)
License quantity1 license(s)
CompatibilityCisco 2901, 2911, 2921, 2951
CompatibilityCisco 2901, 2911, 2921, 2951
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